Sunday, October 4, 2015

Gratitude Projects

This is a small, fast to make, and journal to write what you are grateful for in . It's simple too if you have the materials.
Gratitude Journal Making

Oh come on I made an outline for this one ;p
About Gratitude

Beautiful inspiritation
Cornucopia Ritual

I know! I know! .....What's missing is a painting .   Ah, well maybe next year . :)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Root Chakra - some keywords

This is in no way intended to be an all inclusive list . Herbs may affect you in ways based on your current health that will require you to do further investigation, see an herbalist, or a doctor . This is not intended to substitute medical advice . Some herbs or essential oils can be harmful to animals / pets and may be inappropriate to use in some ways for humans ( some are not topical etc. ) . Please, check the safety for any companion animals you have around you and yourself before using. 

* While some people have claimed animal products such as meat are required for them to ground many including myself disagree. There is a significant difference between grounding and lowering your vibration. Consuming  animal products lowers your vibration not grounds you .  

The Root Chakra

The root chakra points downward . It connects us to the Earth . It is no mistake it is called the root chakra. Stability is related to this chakra in all it's respects . Tribal ties , connections, and links are connected to the root chakra.

 Every human's childhood has resulted in damage to the root chakra. It is where we are currently at in human evolution. No one escapes it thus, we all require root chakra healing in our lives for it's health , our health.

 I do not feel this chakra should be overlooked .

Vibrational Corresponding List

 Tribal Healing
Matter - Relationship to matter . Material (items , possessions ) , consumption
Organic ( I think decaf is best for grounding because , of the absence of the jitters ;)  coffee
Earthy Herbal teas
Red, mahogany, brown and black
Tree Root meditation
Foot chakra exploration
Sole ( Of foot)  to earth contact
De-cluttering, cleaning of ones environments , Space Clearing, and feng shui

Trees  ( Can be used as teas , supplements, salves, massage oils, meditated with etc. ) such as white willow bark powder for headaches and pain, that may be occurring . White willow bark has long been used in this matter and is where asprin originated from .

A certain amount of mindful research and exploration is required for you to line up with the tools currently most suited to your journey everyone is different .

Natural environments

  • Additional scents and tastes :

Cloves -
Earthy scents &
Wood scents such as Cedarwood, Pine, Frankensence, Myrrh,
Bergamont ( Although that's often said to be better for the Sacral chakra ) etc.

Many people also, find tubers and root vegetables such as potatoes, yams, and cassava ( what tapiocca is made of ) , Horseradish root and many more are helpful for them as well .

  • Stones and Crystals

All stones of Earth can be grounding . I think a stone or better yet two , one for each of your feet is especially great .

Fire opal -
Lava AKA Pumice stone- ( Particularly the black lava rocks )
Black Onyx ( You get the idea there are lots articles on the metaphysical, magical, and healing properties of gemstones out there. )
Black Tourmaline

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Total Full Moon Eclipse in Aries Esbat - Personal Pieces of Mine Update for my fans

I consider the day before, day of, and day after both the New moon and the Full moon to be the Esbats . This is a sharing of 3 days .

I don't know where to start with blogging about this Esbat Eclipse . It has been intense and epic . Do you have anything to share about this Eclipse ? Share it in the comments .
  • My Raw Apple Pie Esbat Treat 

Yes, it was delicious . Raw crusts are fast , easy, healthy, and delicious ( They are also grain free ) I will put a link to an online recipe for one here  . I had almond meal on hand and so this crust I made was that , walnuts, dates and a tad of water . The Apples -When I was a kid my mom used to make me a snack of apples , sugar and cinnamon. Well, this filling is a healthy take on that with xylitol , cinnamon, and nutmeg to taste . ( raw agave instead of xylitol would make this a delicious fully raw pie ) .  You are looking at 5 medium apples in this pie . 

  • A Reminder To Balance Chi Flow                                                                                                

I found this piece of paper in a notebook of mine I was sorting through . It was in a rather random place and I remembered this beautiful grape frame that wasn't in use and ta-da I put them together and I have this . It feels like a gift from spirit . It is just special , beautiful , and affirming to me . It's sitting on my kitchen table .

  • Oracle & Tarot Cards

The card that came out for me on the day the eclipse was exact from the above deck . It was drawn as guidance for the day . Here's what it said Beaver - " Industry, Creativity,Flexibility. If beaver swims down the river toward you , it is asking you to look at the structures you have created in your life. Do they support and protect you? Or have they become a cage, limiting your ability to flow and be flexible ? Perhaps, you need to use your industriousness ,creativity,and capacity for teamwork to create new and better structures ; this can refer to your emotional as well as your physical environment. Remember that there is strength and protection in family and community bonds . 

This card I got is 6 of Swords - Ascendancy 
Here's what the booklet tells of for this : 
" Diving into the depths of the unconscious mind on a voyage of sublime discovery. New creative ideas bring new comprehension  Free your mind of restrictive ideas and repeated anxieties. /the future holds a change which contains great intellectual challenges. " ( Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea ) 

  • Altars                                                                                                                                              

An indoor Esbat Altar I did . That's the previous collage I made on the bottom , made for the Virgo Solar Eclipse and one of the tarot cards I drew on the day the eclipse was exact it is drawn for the day  I did a 4 card spread the day before but didn't snap a picture of that . 

My outdoor altar . It got timed that Josh rescued some farmer's Market leave behind flowers on one of his walks and brought them to me . I threw them on the altar and then realized what coolness was just created . Frog totem animal guide for me . They keep popping up in the form of statues ( Like the little one in the back ) and I saw 2 of them on my last Mt. Hike. 
  • Moon Collage                                                                                                                                 

My b/f surprised me and cut huge circles this time around . This was different and rather cool for the eclipse in Aries . And It seems we have a few Esbats worth of them for the future . Starting big Aries ! Yes, I've gave up on insisting my moon collages be all the way trimmed . Lol. Sometimes I just like them better this way .