Friday, May 23, 2014

Short Announcement ! Please Read !

Do you hate it when you follow a blog and you get used to the flow of it , the person posts every day or about 2- 3 times a week so , you expect that and look forward to it and then one day they don't and you are  waiting for it , wondering and keep checking ? Well I do !
I have been posting just about every 3 days or four days for a little while now . I want to forewarn you the Spring weather is pleasant now and, I don't guarantee that regularity . I will still keep up with the blog and post often but, it may not be every three days .
Thank you for your followship !

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



My experience with mandalas started from an artist's corner. I found a book that gave me an introduction into it . This book taught me to make mandalas from intuition and creativity without contemplation and with few rules . They were not to be confined to circles . The rules were to start ( as a beginner ) with quick media - colored pencils , markers, pens etc. not to use paints . And to set aside 20 minutes of uninterrupted and undistracted time to do one and then go , without thinking . Afterwards, when one felt complete we could analyze it by using the information provided on general color, shape and texture subconscious relations in combination with the use of our own personal relationships to the colors,textures etc. as well. I love this book and this way of doing it and was really surprised with the accuracy, insight, and surprise found in my interpretations . I highly recommend the book and the method . It's titled " The Zen of Creative Painting " by Jeanne Carbonetti .  There are lots of ways to do mandalas though and perhaps that way isn't the way you want to do them  . Perhaps , it isn't the way for everyone.

With so many symbols and color cordences so, ingrained in many pagans lives and spiritual practice perhaps, some of you would be more interested in doing them with different intent and for different purposes such as , a money mandala or a Beltaine mandala , a fire mandala , or a Hecate mandala .

Mandalas have been done for such purposes as focusing attention,  spiritual teaching tools, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and to induce trance states  .
This is my Spring themed mandala .

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Interpreting Tarot Divination's by Story Writing !

Interpreting tarot divination's by story writing 

One technique I've found for interpreting personal tarot readings is to write a story from your spreads and what you know is going on in your life . I really like this and I've found it useful ! :) You can do this with many different spreads and just about any deck or combined decks if you choose to do a spread using more than one deck . This can be done with bridge spreads , past, present , future , life area spreads and more. I found this really helpful in getting inside myself and to my intuition and insights . Sometimes also, it can be used to brainstorm which I hope i demonstrate well enough in my example below .  Strictly as an example : If you did a past present future spread that looked like this -
 Past                       Present                    Future
fool                        Lovers                         Death                            
               You might end up writing something like this :
In my past I was often spontaneous and off the cuff in my behaviors , following my instincts or initial impulses and desires bravely but, without much contemplation of the future . I remember doing this for example when I .. blah blah , and blah blah and again when blah .
 Now, I realize I am becoming more aware of the larger picture of how I am interconnected with everyone else and the universe and I am thinking through my actions trying to weigh whether or not they are good for me in the long term and serve my higher purpose and how they will effect others . I have become more receptive to others .
I think this may lead to a transformation in the future , Perhaps, I am already transforming . Perhaps , I am in  a cocoon- like stage and the future holds something new and beautiful that is the result of what I am doing now . What do I need to let go of? What is only holding me back ? Because, I know that in order for the newness to have room that which is clutter and decaying in my life needs to be discarded and cleaned away .
Comments are appreciated .  :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Healing and love giving to Earth -Giving magic, spells, rites and rituals -

Healing and love giving to Earth -Giving magic, spells, rites and rituals -

Spells and rituals are often done because, we want or need something - a car- a home - love - self acceptance - physical healing and so on ... Which is cool and great and what not... . Spells and rituals however, can be done to offer healing to the earth , weather it be in general( all of earth ) , or earth's waters , or fish , or a specific area or specific type of animal like the woods  in your back yard, or frogs.

I think it's important to do this kind of thing !  I get caught up in my life and don't nearly as often as I'd like to though. When I do I feel a deepened sense of spirituality ., of growth , connection , relationship , I feel better for it! Of course, that is not my main intent. My main intent is of a giving nature - of healing or offering healing to  what / who I'm doing the spell for.

 Why is it harder for me to do these rites and spells even though they may very well give me more than the ones " I do only for myself -my personal life " or one might say the ones that are focused on my inner circle and don't extend as far out in the world ?

 This is a question that's been bothering me for sometime and that I am and will continue to be exploring in outdoor meditations and meditative activities .
 Does anyone else have this issue? Anyone else have an idea why I do ?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Make ahead Mother's Day brunch Anyone ? - Easy but, delicious stuff -

Make Ahead Brunch :

Tofu Scrambler 

Prep the veggies ahead of time :
Dice one sweet white onion 
Dice sweet or bell peppers and or jalapenos 
Chop or dice any other veggies you'd like in it .
You can pre- saute them . Allow to cool and then refrigerate .
At the time of cooking
Just cut up firm tofu , add tofu scrambler pack . Mix with tofu
fry ( med. - high heat ) , add diaya if desired . And add veggies to heat .( At time of cooking time estimate 10- 15 minutes )

Smoothies may only take a few minutes anyway but, if you want to you can make one ahead of time , refrigerate it and pull it out right before serving . I recommend you combine favorite fruits and berries with a vegan milk and banana and or mango to thicken .

Home fries 

again can be made a day in advance. weather baked or fried the smaller you cut the potatoes the less cooking time is required. A plant strong way to do this is to substitute vegan veggie broth in place of the oil. Great on their own ; delightful additions I've found include, onions, and peppers or, herbs - oregano, basil, pepper, rosemary , thyme, garlic , parsley , all good options or salsa , or nutritional yeast .

To add some color and "specialness" you can add sweet potatoes or yams to the mix .

Monday, May 5, 2014

Flower magic

Flower magic -

I haven't done this yet but, how cool I find this idea that came to me ! - Look for fallen flowers when shopping , in gardens , anywhere - the flowers that have fallen off the plant and use them in spell work . I'm anxious and excited to see what comes about now that I've had this epiphany . :)

 Flower magic can also , be done with love without removing flowers from plants - go to them .

I am not real strongly opposed to taking flowers from plants , moving them to an altar or wherever and doing magic but, I have read of people - Native Americans and others- tuning in and claiming to be given insight about weather a plant would rather stay attached or come with you and perhaps this ought to be implemented if one's do it that way !

 For me I feel liberated by my new ideas and don't wish yet to clip flowers at least, or especially from their stems and, again like I said I'm excited to see what arises from my new ideas!

 Part of the excitement is to see what type of fallen flowers I come across as, I believe this may lead me to discover rituals and spells I am not yet aware would be beneficial to do .

Comments? - not related to my grammar in this one  ?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Goddess - Liberty or Libertia

Goddess - Liberty or Libertia 

 When it occured to me seemingly unprovoked by the outside world , to look into Liberty Godesses I found this article . About a year ago I put a picture of the statue of Liberty on my altar to represent the Liberty Godess I knew to exisist but, didn't find any information or photos on . I live in the U.S.A. and I find it very odd I have not found or read about any Godess's or Gods of Liberty in any pagan books or blogs . Alas i found this article . Not that I mind" creating" a God or Goddess or diety  but, Liberty is so important and central , and in the U.S.A. it's in the constitution , it's something most of the people believe is central to their values though, it's not . They practice anti- Liberty rituals on average 3 times a day when they eat . But, it's one of those if you are going to lie, lie big and often and everyone will believe you, things . Why has Libertia been hidden from the pagan world ? Here's the article I found and choose to share with you all .